Thursday, July 11, 2013

& so the procrastination begins...

I don't have an excuse for my absence.
I strived to consistently post blog entries in relation to posting on my Instagram - HONESTLY, I did! But.. you see.. whathadhappenedwas..

As I type this, I remember the sleepless night I spent updating this blog when I had about 83,674 pictures to upload. I had to keep that in mind as I forced myself to move my right hand slightly to the left, pick up that mouse, and begin editing photos to update this Blogger account. It would have so easily slipped into nonexistence if I hadn't done this the moment I did.
Procrastination is an evil little monster.



lace crop top: Fashion Nova, I think..
maroon high-waist pants: Top Shop
nude heeled sandals: eBay




I hope all the Americans had a fantastic Independence Day :) And as for the rest of the world, I hope your day was just as amazing and you experienced metaphoric fireworks!

crop top: Brandy Melville
dress (skirt): Abercrombie & Fitch
red heels: Zara
sunglasses: 80's purple

On July 5th, my spontaneous side suddenly kicked in and Tiffany and I decided to take a surprise unplanned mini-one-night-vacation to Las Vegas!

Upon arrival, we were ready to conquer The Vegas in less than 24 hours!

denim shorts: vintage
white t-shirt crop top: Brandy Melville
white high-waist pants: I can't remember! :( Somewhere online
white crop top: Brandy Melville
neon pink heels: Jennifer Chou Carmelos in neon pink from Solestruck
Tiffany's blue pumps: Giuseppe Zanotti

To the ladies,
I usually make a point not to judge others by the shit that one wears. But this is where I draw the line: 
Honestly. I'm aware that about 97% of all girls in Vegas walk around barefoot around the time the clock strikes 11:00 PM. Bluntly put, that is nasty. NASTY. Sure, I spend the majority of my life in heels and I've mastered the art of walking, running, dancing, jumping, ect. in platform stilettos, wedges, or anything that intensely arches my foot. I've become a professional at doing almost all every-day activities in heels for hours at a time, but if you cannot wear high-heeled shoes, simply don't. PLEASE. And I don't mean to call this girl I stumbled upon in the elevator out, but she clearly knew her stilettos were not her friend. Multiple bandages have been placed in, on, and around her toes prior to the clubbing festivities. This isn't her first time. Just DON'T WEAR THEM, BABE! You knew you were going to end this night barefoot before you left your hotel room.
To her and everyone else that does this: You don't have to wear heels. You DON'T! Get your freakum dress on, get your hurrr did, and rock the fuck out of some flats! You will not look as ridiculous as you currently do walking around barefoot with your heels in your hand, dangling by your waist because you don't know how to wear them properly.
Fucking stop.
This is to benefit YOU.

My apologies for that rant. It's one of my biggest pet-peeves!

Like all things, this amazing trip had to come to an end.
The aftermath:

"Vegas Withdraws" tied into exhaustion.
I'm itching to go back!

white crop top: Brandy Melville
patterned harem pants: H&M

denim cropped bustier: Top Shop
pink jeans: Forever 21
taupe pumps: Aldo
gray snapback: Primitive by Grizzly

Because living in Southern California means you must be prepared for whatever type of weather may come. After an intense heat wave and being in Vegas while it was a scorching 118°, the slightly cooler temperature of around 88° was heavenly! Yes, a beanie and thick jacket was unnecessary, since 88° is still pretty hot, but I couldn't help it! I got excited! :) Autumn is my favorite season!

green coat: vintage
black sports bra: Big 5
black skirt: Urban Outfitters
thigh high socks: Macy's
orange shoes: Vans
gray beanie: Crooks and Castles, CSTC

AAAND finally: 
For "Throwback Thursday" (I still have a growing suspicion that Instagram has the power to make that a national holiday of some sort)
19 years ago!!
Clearly, a three year-old little girl from the 90's can look significantly cuter in an outfit like this than a 22 year-old adult from the suburbs who refuses to grow up. :p

&&&&& last thing, very quickly -

Last night, I was surprised to find a shout out from "Swaagshouts" on Instagram! Although I had never heard of them prior to this, I'd just like to show my gratitude! I am extremely humbled and appreciative that they took the time to share my picture with their followers! <3 I have no idea how they found me, but I'm thankful!
SOOOO, if you have time, go check them out and follow them! :D

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