Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Where do I begin?
I'm not sure what to say. My desire to blog has steadily decreased & I have no excuse why. I have taken to writing more the old-fashioned way with a pen and paper. In a way, it seems more personable since every letter isn't so uniform.
Remember in the good ol' Myspace days - or better yet - XANGA days - (No? Way too old for you?) when there would constantly be bulletins filled with survey questions? I see them once in a while on my Tumblr feed, but not often. Did anyone ever really read anyone else's answers?


  • My very first XANGA username, which also happened to be my first AIM screen name, was angelxlilxpinay. o_O seriously.
  • I tried to find my old XANGA just now, to no avail. The account has been inactive since 2004.
  • Ever since Myspace, I've ALWAYS used this same maroon-ish color for all my answers in ever survey I've done

1. What is the last thing you said aloud?
Just a few minutes ago, my mother asked me why we have a Lexus key that doesn't correspond to our particular Lexus. I responded, "hahaha where did that come from?"

2. What's the last sporting event you watched?

Live? A Laker game with Gina. That was an interesting night.
We ended up invited on this business-meeting-type outing between three people. These two people were trying to sign a client and so all drinks were charged to the company credit card! Needless to say, Gina and I got a ridiculous amount of drinks because we were no longer paying for them.
They signed that client thanks to us.

3. Do you use smiley faces on the computer alot?
I rarely send a text that doesn't have an emoji. Actually, I've probably responded using only emojis more than actual words.
This is future.

4. What did your last text message say?
The last one I received: Where r u
The last one I sent: I'm sending you this text so I don't lie on this survey I'm filling out. Now I don't have to type out my real last sent text ;)
The last one I received now: What?

5. Are you someone's best friend?

I am in a mutual group best friend-ship with Dannie, Gina, Tiffany, and Kanami.
I am also Kristin's best friend since birth.

6. Look to your left, what do you see?

A gigantic framed picture of my from me 18th Debutante Ball birthday. It's one of the first things you see upon entering my bedroom. It screams, "Look! I'm a narcissist and I sleep directly underneath a nearly life-size portrait of myself so I'm the last thing I see before I go to bed and the first thing I see when I open my eyes in the morning!"

7. Do you have any friends on myspace that you actually hate?

HAHA really? I find this extremely amusing since I found this survey on a website solely devoted to questionnaires specifically for Myspace bulletins. Were they trying to instigate something with this question?
Petty,, very very petty of you.
I see you.

8. Last movie you saw?

I don't remember what it was called. Actually - I'm not sure I ever even knew what it was called. BUT it had Chace Crawford in it and he played a drug dealer. It was a pretty good movie. But it's quite possible I'm biased due the handsomeness that is Mr. Crawford.

9. Are you allergic to anything?

Cold: The temperature.
No one ever believes me when I tell them, but if I am out in the cold, or if I come in contact with a cold substance for a certain amount of time, I get hives and really red. It's extremely unattractive and it hurts.
Cold Urticaria. Google. Go ahead.
& then google Chace Crawford to ease you away from the disgust you just witnessed.

10. Is anyone jealous of you?
Again with the questions that prompt conflict?

11. Do any of your friends have children?
I haven't fully accepted that as a 22-year-old, I've reached the age where it's normal for people I went to high school with to be settling down and making more humans. I feel like I'm at a place in my life where I absolutely don't want to do that for another twenty-three years! Not that there's anything wrong with doing that now, it's just crazy to think about the different paths people have taken when virtually growing up in the same small area, living a few miles from each other, and exposed to the same school environment, How different our views are. It's no longer a surprise to hear that people are engaged or are having children.

12. Do you use the word 'hello' daily?

Yes. Actually, maybe I say the word, "hi" more often. No, well, 98% of the time I say hello when answering the phone. And when I loose signal I'll probably begin to yell, "HEELLLLLOOOOOOO?! HEEELLLLOOOOO?!!!" about 74 times. So yes- I do use the word 'hello' daily.

13. Have you ever been to Six Flags?

I've owned a season pass to Magic Mountain three times in my life. I honestly wish I had one right now so I could get a funnel cake. BUT I've never ever ever been to Hurricane Harbor. I should do that before I leave Santa Clarita for good...

14. Have your parents ever caught you drinking?
Caught? No. They knew.
I've been drinking since I was fourteen years old and they've been very aware.
I'd have a drink right now if I could.

15. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

16. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
I was in my car driving home.

17. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?
Haha 'honestly?' As though all previous questions had a truthfulness option? But this one specifically, you MUST be honest.
HONESTLY, my mom just left the house and said, "love you" as she walked out the door.

18. Last restaurant you went to?
Taco Bell. My absolute favorite fast food restaurant.
Unless Chipotle counts as a fast food restaurant. But I think Chipotle would count in the same way Subway would count as fast food.. it doesn't.
So.. Taco Bell.

19. Did you have an exciting last weekend?
It was pretty eventful.
I went to the Nokia Theatre to watch a Grammy Nominations concert and ate at Philippe Chow. Less than an hour later, I found out Karrueche was there and I cried in frustration.
Saturday was Leo's birthday! I got drunk at The Cheesecake Factory with Tiffany and Kanami and then we drank some more at Dave & Busters!
Correction: I got drunk and then drank more. They left early.

20. Where were you at 1AM sunday morning?
I was still at Dave & Busters because they closed at 1 am.
Actually, I think around 1, I was walking outside, looking up at this gigantic metal horse that seems to be the mascot of the Arcadia Mall, wanting to get on top of it. I failed. My 5-foot stature simply did not allow this to happen, even with help.
Seeing this, Albert hopped up onto the horse effortlessly. Showoff.

21. Ever kissed someone over 30?
Oh gosh. I'm not sure. I think the oldest I've gone is 29. BUT I kissed him when he was 29, he's probably 30 now. Well, yeah, he definitely is. It's been a while. Does that count?

22. Is there a secret you've never told your parents?
I've kept plenty of secrets from my parents.

23. Have you ever dyed your hair?
WOW. I've had every single color imaginable in my hair.
I went from dark natural brown, to ombre.
Light brown. Platinum blonde. Orange. This accidental thai iced tea color. Back to light brown.
All purple. Black and purple. Black, blue, and purple. All blue. Blue and Silver. ALL SILVER (MY FAVORITE).
Silver, green, purple, blue, and pink. Dark red. Dark brown. Back to purple. It grew out and became ombre by accident.
and Now, it's light brown.

24. Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?
Isn't it CRAZY that every single decision you've made in life has led you to exactly where you are now?
I don't believe in Karma. I don't think "everything happens for a reason."
I think shit just happens. Good and bad. And it happens to everyone. You just have to deal with situations when they come along. I don't believe in "destiny." I think reality is what you make it and if you want something, you have to make moves to go get it, instead of waiting around for the "perfect moment" or the "right time."
Just fucking do it.

25. What's something that can always make you feel better?

26. Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
I do. I have a shoebox in my closet with a bunch of shit like pictures, gifts, and sentimental doohickey.
It's not because I'm not over anything, we're good friends now and I talk to him from time to time. It's been years! I just really don't know what to do with all that stuff.
I'm a sentimental horder.
Proving this, I've never deleted any of my text messages since the FIRST ever iPhone was released and I owned it. So if you look in my phone, my oldest text message is from 2007 and it says, "Infamous party going down tonight at 9!! Out in Newhall open house infamous drinks flavored nos and infamous queen lap dances!! Yeah! Newhall no gangsters"
I replied, "WHO is this?? and tell me to have a 'happy birthday' bitch!"
They never did :(
HOW can I part ways with something like that?! I can't.

27. How's your heart lately?
I mean, it's beating, as usual. My cholesterol is still off the charts, but I LOVE butter and fried food so.. I'm dealing with it.

28. Are you a cuddler?
:) yes

29. What do you want rightn ow?
I debated fixing that typo in the question but I feel that might ruin the authenticity of the survey. I can't just alter it. It feels wrong.

30. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
I'm wearing someone else's sweat pants right now.
And I probably buy more men's clothing than women's.
If I were to create a clothing line, almost everything would be unisex.

31. Are you a kissable person?
Am I a kissable person?
Yes..? I love kissing!
If I had to list my top favorite things, it'd go:
1. Chipotle/food
2. kissing
3. alcohol
Wait. No, alcohol and THEN kissing.
OHMG. I don't know!! They're both tied for second.
Third can be clothes.

32. Look behind you, what do you see?
My wall. There's no gigantic photo of me on it this time.
Should put one.

33. What would you name your future daughter?
Why would this just assume I'm having a daughter? Or a child, for that matter? I don't want a daughter. I'd rather have three sons.
I don't know. Probably some gender-neutral name like... Storm.

34. Any summer plans for 2008?
HAHAHAH. Holy shit, this is old.
Just for fun, I'm going to look back and find photos from the Summer of 2008.
Camping. Beach. Um.. pacifiers. Cruise to Mexico. Jacuzzi nights.
I guess I had a pretty eventful Summer in 2008!

35. If you had to eat 1 thing for the rest of your life, what?
Carne Asada burrito from Chipotle!
Pinto beans, white rice, EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA cheese, sour cream, and a shit ton of guacamole. And lime.

36. Does anyone know your Myspace password?
I don't even know my myspace password anymore.
I just tried to log in, and it connected my profile to Facebook. It looks COMPLETELY different in here!! Ahh!

37. Has your number 2 on your top friends ever made you cry?
Haha I wish I knew who this was. Probably. I cry all the time.

38. Describe your bestfriend?
I'm going in alphabetical order in case you guys are reading this; I'm not playing favorites.
  • Otani, Kanami: The most secretive of all my friends. And I like it. She's extremely smart and values the importance of education. Our outlooks on life are the most parallel out of everyone else, in my opinion. We love to get into deep, mind provoking conversations about the world, how it works, and why things are the way they are. If I need someone to talk to about my problems and I'm looking for someone who isn't going to bullshit me, it's Kanami. She will psychoanalyze the shit out of my brain and although sometimes I wish she'd just speak to me bluntly and tell me how it is, I appreciate that she helps me find a way to inadvertently fix my own problems by myself.
  • Paloyo, Dannie: My work-out partner. My board-game loving peer. And most importantly, my culinary counterpart! We recently established that food was the foundation of our friendship after a near-death disaster in the kitchen that involved the melting of an entire gallon of oil and a giant grease fire. She is extremely gullible. And also, Dannie is the most annoying person to get into an argument with because she is the most obstinate human being I know. This works out perfectly since her career of choice is to become a lawyer. I know she'll succeed because she extremely driven and bright.
  • Rad, Tiffany: The most motherly of my friends. I'm not sure if I feel this way because I am the most childish and Tiffany is constantly cleaning up after me, or if it truly is her motherly instincts. Either way, it doesn't matter. Tiffany is extremely caring and strives to make everyone happy. She also strives to be the best she can possibly be and only surrounds herself with excellence. She deserves optimum perfection and will not settle for less. It's admiring.
  • Samouel, Gina: I refuse to write about her because I have TWO fucking yearbooks with empty pages and a post-it saving it for her until this day.
    • UPDATE: I went on with this survey and I'm going back now because I feel bad.
    • Gina and I are one in the same. I love her. We fight like a married couple, but there is never a dull moment when we are together. Anything I choose to write here will not even begin to explain the connection I have with her. We've discussed endless times in ten years how no one else will understand or can understand the bond we have. Sometimes I wonder if any other two people on earth have this. You may think you do, but I'm willing to bet you don't. You just don't. No one does.
39. What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
I just texted my sibling.
We are connected because she is my sister.

40. Have you ever been hit on by the opposite sex?
I sat here and thought about this for a while. I instinctively thought this was a strange question and my initial response was, "of course." But I realized it was possible that this has never happened to some individuals. Then I felt like a conceited asshole.

41. Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with an S?
I looked into my phonebook because I honestly couldn't think of one off the top of my head. But I have.

42. Do you know anyone that is currently locked up?
One time in life, I received a letter from someone in prison!
A friend of mine was having relations with a guy who was locked up and asked me to come along one weekend to visit him. He decided to "bring" a friend as well. (hahah I laughed out loud when I typed that out.)
So we sat side by side, talking to these two boys on the phone through a glass. The guy I met was nice.. His name was Sicko. He was a tattoo artist and took off his shirt and showed me his inked up body. Then the guard came and told him to put his shirt back on. He also explained to me that he put a marble in his penis. I was fascinated & at the same time, confused.
He took a domino, threw it against the wall so it would break, and filed it until it was a small sphere. Then he took a toothbrush and filed it down to make a needle. After, he stretched the skin on the top of his penis, pierced it with the sharpened toothbrush, and inserted the marble. Apparently, it's supposed to feel good for female stimulation... I found this odd because there were no females with him in prison
He asked if I'd like to see it, and I definitely declined.
Some days later, my friend told me Sicko wrote me a letter and it basically told me that he could't wait to see me again and that I was an angel.
I never went back to that prison again... and now I feel like an asshole.

43. Would you sex tape with you in it for 3 million dollars?
Would I sex tape? Haha. Sex tape is used as a verb now?
Um.. Would it just be a private sex tape? The price is pretty high, so I'm guessing it's not. But it does say sex tape and not "would you porn for 3 mil?"
I don't know.. I've never made a sex tape before. I feel like I'd wanna see myself have sex once. But I don't think I'd want everyone to see me have sex.

44. Have you ever been so drunk that you blacked out?
Is this supposed to be a rare occurrence? This question makes me feel like it's not supposed to happen as often as it does.

45. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
I have never grown a tomato. I don't even like tomatoes. I've never eaten a chemically processed tomato either.

46. Have you ever requested a song on the radio?
YES!! Once, when I was young, I was on Radio Disney! (Back when the station was AM 710 and not whatever it is now - I feel so old now.) I requested the theme some from the movie Holes with Shia Labeouf when every character rapped! Before we got off the phone, the guy told me he'd play my song and told me to, "Say goodnight, Gracie."
I stupidly replied, "Goodnight, Gracie."
And it was aired on the radio :)

47. Have you kissed anyone in the last week?
In the last week? As in, the week began on Sunday and today is Wednesday? If so, yes.
Within a week, as in, since last Wednesday? Yes.

48. What does your 8th text message say and who was it from?
I am going to have to really search for this because my texts are in conversations! Okay.
It says, "If I wanted to go to comic con, would you be the cool friend who would go with me?" and that was from Dannie

49. Have you held hands with anyone today?
I went to Walmart a moment ago and this guy named Chris introduced himself to me. We shook hands. That's the closest I got to holding someone's hand today.

50. Seven days from now will you be in a relationship?
What the fuck? Who plans this? No
Taking into consideration that this survey was targeted to young tweens on Myspace, they are totally putting pressure on these kids to aim for monogamy at such an already confusing, & young age. How troubling.

51. Do you want to dance?
By, golly! I would love to!

52. What do you notice first about a guy?
Their shoes. Their outfit.
But that's also the first thing I notice about a girl.
I really just look at people's ensembles before anything, always.

53. Have you kissed your number one on your top?
If I had a top, it would probably have the four best friends I mentioned before so yes, because I've kissed them all.

54. Did you have a good birthday this year?
Yes! All I wanted was Roscoe's and that's exactly what I had.
And also, alcohol. It was perfect.

55. Three days from now will you be in a relationship?
Seriously? The deadline has shorted since five questions ago?

56. What should you be doing right now?
As though you know I'm NOT supposed to be doing this survey?
I think a typical answer from a person in junior high would be something like: homework, studying, cleaning my room, ect.

57. Three feelings at the moment?
I'm hungry. Why didn't I stop at Chipotle on my way home?
Am I really going to finish this entire survey? It's unlikely people will read it anyway.
Oh wow - I have 19 unread text messages. I'm a horrible texter. It takes me hours to reply and I have no valid excuse.

58. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
Yes! And I plan to make more drunk memories this Summer! Dannie is going to be studying abroad and I will definitely be there to ease her mind of school work for a weekend! :)

59. What were you doing at 4am this morning?
Actually, I randomly woke up today at 4 AM for no reason.
I woke up, checked the time, wondered why the fuck I was awake, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

60. If alcohol were banned, what would your reaction be?
This would never happen. Prohibition in the United States failed once and it will fail again. I would laugh at the ridiculousness.
& then have a drink.

61. What's your favorite color?
White and Black. Simplicity.
I was waiting for this question. I don't think a single survey exists that doesn't have this question in it.

62. Is your best friend pretty?
Who would say no to this?
Everyone is beautiful.
You instigating, shallow, assholes.


freedom shirt: random thrift store in New York
socks: Walmart


black crop top: Brandy Melville
gray skirt: Brandy Melville
purse: Michael Kors


jean jacket: Topshop
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell LITA's


gray crop top: Topshop
high waist jeans: Forever 21, I think. 
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell LITA's

Honestly, I'm not too fond of this outfit.
I looked at these pictures and thought to myself, "I would never wear this..."

elbow-patch sweater: Forever 21
loose tank: mom's closet
high waist pleather shorts: eBay
hat: vintage
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell LITA's


Remember when I said Dannie and I almost burnt down her apartment?
That was this day.

cropped sweatshirt: Target, DIY
studded shorts: Rosebowl Flea Market, DIY
shoes: white hi-top converses




black overalls: H&M
white sports bra: Nike
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell 

black hat: vintage
white crop top: Brandy Melville
suspenders: sibling's closet

white pleather vest: H&M
white corset bra: etsy
white pencil skirt: gojane
while sandal heels: Jeffrey Campbell Malice - Karmaloop

brown hat: vintage
white crop top: Brandy Melville
white pants: etsy
black sandal heels: Zara
off-white winter coat: Kenneth Cole
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