Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Starting a blog - a fashion blog - or any type of social media website gives me a slight feeling of anxiety. Anxiety that is driven by a human's innate desire to be accepted. The questions that emerge in my brain during these processes include:

  • Who will read/look at what I have to say/show?
  • Do people really need another fashion blogger?
    • Need. No one needs one single fashion blogger to begin with
    • Who am I to say what people need, really.
    • The circumstances for what people consider a "needed" entity is subjective, I suppose
      • So it is possible yet another fashion blog is needed to someone, somewhere out there
    • but.. I DIGRESS
  • How will people find my blog?
The question I strive to find the right answer to:
  • Why am I starting a fashion blog?
As cliché as this sounds, I truly believe fashion is an expression. (Surely, I am not the first person to say this.) One of the first things the public judges one another on is apparel. Outfits allow humans to give off an impression - minuscule sample of an impression - of who they are as an individual. Around the world, different fabrics, different materials, different styles, different color schemes, are all used in distinguishable characteristics that can determine a group of persons connected through a geographic location or religion, or even go as detailed into displaying a single individual's attitudes towards an issue of sorts.
Fashion (to me) is not just textile used to shield the public of nipples and genitalia because it is deemed socially inacceptable to show too much. Fashion is who you are. Or, at the very least, it is who you want others to view you as.
Time Magazine expressed that those born into Generation Y, (roughly between the early 1980's up to the 1999's) or as some call us, "The Millennials," hold the most narcissistic individuals of late.  Attributing to this tendency of excessive self-importance is the social network phenomenon. Is it truly a surprise that we're all so enthralled with our own physical appearance when hashtags under #selfie, #selfiesunday, and of course, #selfieNATION all have well over a million photos sorted within them? Would an entire blog dedicated to posts of myself further prove the egocentricity that consumes Generation Y?

And of course the BIG question:
Would a fashion blog push me into a life where I rely on validation from people I have never met to feed my ego? Would this eventually become a huge factor in determining my happiness?

-- No.
Not if I don't allow it to.
Being psychologically strong enough to handle everything society throws at you includes finding it within yourself to not let things like this take over your mind.
Why should I start a fashion blog? Because I want to. Because it would make me happy.
And who knows - my blog could possibly make someone out there happy as well. Someone still trying to find their own personal voice in fashion. Someone who's looking for inspiration. In the end, I suppose that's really all I'm trying to do: Inspire those who want to be inspired.

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